We are pleased to announce that our hubs have succeeded in collecting the required number of certified signatures in each of six legislative districts so far in Western Mass. We now expect that our Single Payer question will appear on the November ballot in districts currently represented by Reps. Kulik, Scibak, Solomon Goldstein-Rose, Kocot (formerly), Mark, and Vega. We’ll be working hard this summer and early fall on a public education campaign to build support for Medicare for all, grow the movement, and encourage people to “vote yes” in November! Please contact us if you would like to join this important campaign: info@wmMedicareforall.org .
Here’s the question to appear on the ballot:
“Shall the Representative from this District be instructed to vote for legislation to create a single-payer system of universal health care that would provide all Massachusetts residents with comprehensive health care coverage including the freedom to choose doctors and other health care professionals, facilities, and services, and that would eliminate the role of insurance companies in health care by creating a publicly administered insurance trust fund?”